Sunday, November 20, 2005

Rosh and i are moving out together end of the month. her Dad owns an apartment in Bukit Jalil and no one stays there except for her step bro, so we decided to move in and i'll pay her the rent. the idea of staying together seems to be cool, but when disagreement and misunderstanding happen, then that's gonna be bad. that's what i fear most about living together with friends. i just hope that we'll be alright, just like Monica and Rachel, or Joey and Chandler in Friends. yes i know, they're not staying under the same roof now but they used to, right? so we went to have a look at the apartment, it's nice and we're sharing the same room. gosh, so many things to pack and i haven't start packing yet. and unpacking, arghh hate it. i'm going to miss home, again. going to miss Hailie, my pc, the internet, games, astro, home-cook food and laundry... oh no, i hate doing my own laundry. no one to wash my clothes, no one to iron them. *waaaaaa....

before we went to the apartment, we had our breakfast in McD. it's my FIRST time having McD's breakfast. ok, i know what you're going to say. so just shhh...

McD's Big Breakfast.

Big Breakfast!

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