Friday, November 04, 2005

finally, they announced the news this morning. it's Doomsday. the virus has been spreading rapidly, a lot of people were killed. that was when i knew that i must not wait any longer, there's not much time left, and so, i asked J out. he said yes, and we went to the mall together. i was so happy to be out with him, for i never thought that he would say yes. we were walking like friends, when suddenly i saw a gal walking towards us. she looks so familiar from far. as she was walking closer, i finally got to see her face clearly, she's A. "why is she here?", i thought to myself. she came closer and closer and started smiling at him. she then held him by the arm and they both walked away together, leaving me there, standing alone. as they were walking away, she turned to me and gave me this "funny" stare, as in the he's-mine kind of stare. i just stood there, feeling pissed and sad. how could he walked away with her and leave me alone?! they then walked into MNG and there, she started hugging him and getting intimate with him. she gave me another stare, the i-win-you-lose-he's-mine-and-it's-fun-to-see-that-you-are-angry-and-jealous kind of stare. i turned around and walked away. as i was walking on the street like a dead soul, suddenly there's a tap on my shoulder. it's a friend. i told her about what happened. she looked at me and told me that it wasn't his fault, it was A's fault. all these while, he has feelings towards me but it was A who forced him to be with her. he is afraid of her, that is why he did not leave her. she even knew that J bought a bottle of perfume for me. but because he's afraid of A, he has been keeping that bottle of perfume for quite some time and is afraid to give it to me. i was happy to know about the truth, that he has feelings towards me. but i decided to let it be, as the time is running out. there's nothing much i can do. it was 4 hours before Doomsday that i decided to blog about this. i ran to the library down the road and saw a bunch of zombies there. the virus has spread till there. no where to run. i then saw a coconut tree right in front and decided to climb up the tree to avoid from the zombies. as i was about to climb the tree....rrRING...

it's my alarm clock. it's just a dream. a very dramatic one. i just love having this kind of dream. i mean not the part where A snatch J from me, but about the zombies and stuff. weird, full with actions, mysterious, horror kind of dreams. lovely.. but the part where A pulled J away from me, that suck big time.

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