Tuesday, October 04, 2005

OMG!! my friend who was in Canada just called to tell me that she's now in Malaysia. she's gonna be back here for 2 months and is leaving again end of November. she's not working any longer, she quitted the job she was doing in Canada and registered for a new course, which will start early next year. how i wish i'm as lucky as her, to be able to study and study and study, taking courses after courses until i finally found something i really like. almost all her brothers are working as doctors or something related to medical. so guess what course is she doing next year? yup, you got it, something to do with medical. she's taking Dental Hygienic. she's going to be a dental hygienist. WOW!!! she has done computing, networking, management, office job and now...man something really professional. why didn't all these came to us when we were younger, when we were thinking so hard on what courses to take right after high school? all we think about was computing, computing and computing.

i was stucked in computing too and graduated with a degree and spent so much money oversea but am doing something totally NOT related to what i've studied. we should have think about these professions earlier; dental hygienist, chiropractor, those "white coat" professions. well who ask me to be so stupid!!

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