Saturday, August 06, 2005

i'm so relieved to know that my Dad is doing fine. thank God that he's alright. he's suffering from this minor illness which i hope he'll get well soon. i remember once, he almost got hit by a stroke. that was few years back. scary but thank God he's alright. after today's incident, i realize that my Dad is getting old. my parents are getting old. even i myself is growing older. why must we age? why must we age and die? life is so unpredictable. we do not know what will happen to us tomorrow, we do not know what is awaiting us in front. so since we're still alive and young now, it's time for us to learn to treasure the people around us, treasure our lives, treasure the moment we've spent with the people we love. enjoy and have fun. live life to the fullest while you still can.

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