Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Happy Merdeka Day!!'s Merdeka again and as usual, i was at home. come to think of it, i've never been out on Merdeka's eve for countdown before. hmm...that's what you call "anak Malaysia" huh? but hey, at least i do sing 'Negaraku', 'Jalur Gemilang' and the 'Tanggal 31' song every year ok.. alright some of you might think that i'm crazy then. who cares...

so after dinner with family yesterday, we went to Baskin-Robbins to get ourselves some ice cream. they have this promotion where when you purchase ice cream on the 31st day of every month, you'll be given a 31% discount. however this month, they have a special promotion for Merdeka, it's called the Merdeka 3 days special, where this offer started on the 29th till 31st. we got ourselves 3 tubs of ice cream; 2 quart tubs and 1 pint tub. yummy yummy... but to be really honest, i'm not a very big fan of Baskin. i would say that i prefer Haagen-Dazs more; uh i miss having Haagen-Dazs especially in London. damn, everything i like somehow seems to be related to London and London and London. i really love that place. all the memories...ah..MEMORIES!!

anyhow here's a pic of the ice cream we bought. talking about picture, i got my camera back yesterday. oh wait a minute, did i mention that my camera was admitted to the Canon Hospital? it was a few months ago when i got to know that it was sick. so i haven't been taking any pictures for months. we only got it fixed like 2 weeks ago and i just got it back yesterday. according to the doctor, there's something wrong with the optical lens, so they have to perform an operation and give it a new optical lens. that operation cost us around RM437. ouch.. well at least it's better than coughing another few thousand bucks to get a new one.

WARNING: Do not lick the computer screen or you might get electrocuted. hahaha...

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