Friday, May 20, 2005

we, as in my colleagues and i went to the airport today for some working purposes. we were supposed to gather at around 7:15am and depart together but somehow, 7 of us were late. so 10 of the other colleagues went to the airport without us, and they went with the shuttle bus. we decided to drive there and off we go in 2 different cars, speeding on the highway like some crazy maniacs. Rosh and i were in the same car and we have no idea where to park the car because the parking fee in the airport is super expensive. so we were wondering and wondering while following our friend's car from behind. then he drove to the pick-up point at the arrival terminal and he just parked there right in front of 2 police officers. we were shocked!! he then talked to this man standing with the 2 officers and we thought that was his friend. we parked our car there then. we were like the VIPs. fuh..i just loved that moment. and later we found out that, that man whom my friend talked to, is not his friend but his Dad. we were like...COOLLLL!! his Dad is a police officer, a detective sergeant working in KLIA. that experience was a very COOL one.

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