Monday, June 02, 2008

Zuo Ren Bu Jian Tan...

to be a nice/good person is never easy. if you’re nice, people might think that you’re trying to get something from them, you’re using them to get benefits. people might start to doubt your honesty and your actions. people might think that you’re being fake and pretentious. worse of all, people will still talk about you even if your nice, genuinely. if you’re mean/bad, people will definitely talk about you.

i’m not saying that i am a good person. however, i’m trying my level best to be one. i believe every human makes mistakes. i myself made mistakes before. some are so big that i can never expect people to forgive me for what i’ve done. i’ve done things that no one will ever thought that i’ll did it. i’ve done things that no one can ever forgive me. i’ve done things that can hurt others’ feelings and jeopardize one’s happiness. for what i’ve done, i’m sorry if i ever hurt anyone of you. i just couldn’t help it, as we humans, make mistakes. what’s really important is you know that you’re wrong. and you’ll try to make things right, which is what i’m trying to do, which i hope that i have the courage and strength to learn from mistakes and never do it again.

i’ve done this one particular mistake twice. i’ve never learnt the mistake from the first lesson. i did the same mistake again, for the second time. it was hard. i can never control myself at that time. the reason behind the whole thing was...i just couldn’t help it, and for sure, i was stupid. BUT that, is not an excuse. it can never be an excuse. i’ve made mistake means i’m wrong. i’m the kind of person who believes in karma. what goes around comes around. i know i’ll be punished someday for what i’ve done. till then, i can never blame anyone else but me. i am trying to be a good person, although being good is never easy. at least i try. afterall, i'm only a human.

humans are complex and complicated. it’s not easy to understand one. therefore, who are we to judge a person? how sure are we if we’re to say that a person is right or wrong, good or bad? what's important is that you know what you’re doing and never regret for the action taken. if you’re wrong, learn from mistake. try to make things right. if you’re right, lucky you then. whatever you do, till the end it’s between you and God.

p/s: sorry, suddenly so emo. dunno what i'm trying to talk about too actually. bah...

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