Wednesday, August 09, 2006

i don't understand, how can a human be so unfaithful in a relationship? how can he/she be so disloyal and cheats behind his/her partner's back? being in a relationship, i believe TRUST is very very important. however, some of them do not understand the meaning of the word "TRUST". how can some betrayed the trust and go having fun with someone else and acted as if it's a very normal thing?! wouldn't they feel guilty? if they are SINGLE, i wouldn't even care if they go flirt around 24/7. but when you're attached, that i really don't understand.

last Sunday, a friend asked me and Rosh out for a drink at Cafe Flam. he brought two of his friends (a gal and a guy) along and one of them (the gal) turns out to be someone i knew. my impression of her was good until that night, the whole good impression was gone. all went down the drain. she has a bf but she can still go all around touchy with my friend and the other guy. it's normal if you dance with guys but she was too over; dirty dancing with both of them (this i don't really mind), but she went hugging this one guy, went all over him then changed to my friend and did the same thing. omg...i just couldn't stand looking at her. there's this time when Rosh told me that she saw that gal kissing the other guy. OMG!! best thing is she's staying with her bf. so that night, we don't know whether she went back to her bf or went home with the other guy coz Rosh and i left quite early. i mean if she's single, i wouldn't give a damn, but she's in a RELATIONSHIP. doesn't she feels guilty?

ok i've been talking too much that it makes me wonder, will i be doing the same thing like her? go flirting around even when i'm attached? i mean i know it's wrong (for now), but what if i'm to do the same thing one day, when i'm attached? gosh...too much thinking. better stop now..

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