Sunday, August 13, 2006

alright, i'm going to Hong Kong or Taiwan no more. instead, i'm going to London bay beh... so office approved my leave application and the thought of going to Hong Kong or Taiwan has been changed to London. we've got our tickets already; Mum, Dad and i will be leaving for London on the 19th and be back on the 25th. so why changed to London all of a sudden?? i mean good la, i always wanted to go back there and now it's the time. well we're going to New Castle first, Mum and Dad wanted to visit bro first. we'll be there for a couple of days and then back to London for another couple of days before coming back here again. can't wait to go back to London.

~~LoNdOn BaY bEh...HeRe I cOmE...~~

p/s: i'm gonna be so FARKIN' broke man...darn.. but luckily Daddy will sponsor some money. hahaha...

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