Friday, November 05, 2004

i kinda have a slight misunderstanding with my best friend, Tracy. since we're best bud for quite some time, i believe she should know what kind of person i am and she should accept me for who i am.

we had a chat the other day through msn. after having our conversation about this particular topic, she suddenly told me that she's mad and angry. i was wondering, what is there to be angry about. i don't get it. so i told her not to be mad, and here comes everything. she told me that at times, she finds that talking to me hurts her. she's wondering whether this happens to others or not, but it happens to her. she's not sure whether she should tell me about this, but in the end she told me. she said, "sometimes it makes me wonder why people never get close to you for long. i'm figuring it out but to my level of patience, i think i still can stand it".

well i know i'm not the nice, friendly type of person, i'm not the everyone-wants-to-be-friend-with-me kind of girl. i'm not popular. everyone in school dislikes me, i knew that. i admit that i do not have many friends around. and i do believe Tracy knew that since we were from the same school. what hurts me the most is she, how can she said that to me?! hits me really hard deep inside. how can she said that to me when she already knew i do not have many friends around? if others said that to me, i'm fine, but it's her, my best friend. to me, it's an insult. i was furious yet disappointed. i always thought that she knows me, she understands me. after that incident, it kinda makes me wonder, does she really understand me, does she really knows me? maybe it's because we've never met each other for quite some time, or maybe she feels that she's being left out. or maybe she's been expecting too much from me. the conversation between us went on and i think there were more misunderstandings between us. not a good sign at all and i dislike it.

i was so disturbed at that moment, i decided to talk to a close friend about it and he's been very nice and understanding. to comfort me, he said, "sometimes we think that being honest is good, therefore we chose to be honest. however, being honest only matters in different situation. sometimes people do not know that they are being honest at the wrong situation. they thought it is a wise choice, but the thing is, they do not know. understand that she wants to let you know her feelings, but it's just at the wrong time at the wrong situation". sigh..

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