Sunday, September 12, 2004

that "friend" of mine in the house is seriously getting on my nerves. yesterday was her birthday and she went to her friends' house coz they baked her a cake. well of course Nikki and i did celebrate with her too. anyway, when she came back, i opened the door for her and i noticed that she has a black face on. knew something wasn't right. after a while, i went to the lounge and sat with Nikki. she told me that that "friend" of ours wanna have a talk with us. ouch...suddenly both of us were so tensed. wonder what she wanna say..

finally all of us sat down and the talk began. that friend, ok ok it's Ashley, she said that she received a call from the landlady, saying that the people downstairs were complaining about us again for the second time, for being too noisy. people downstairs said that we've been making noises every single day, and the worst was on Tuesday. lots of noises and screaming were heard especially from the lounge and from Nikki's room. Ashley told the landlady that yes she has told us to lower down our voices before, but we didn't listen to her. she even dare to say that she believes that she is the one who makes the less noise among us. and the best part of all, she said something which i believe was directed to me. she said, "you knew yourself who made the most noise, who scream the most, the loudest". i reckon that's me she's talking about. well she said that she's very angry and mad, but hey as if Nikki and i were not. i was so pissed at her when she said all those. it's so unreasonable, so unfair and so untrue. end of the conversation.

about screaming..well thanks to her of course or else Nikki and i will never scream. you think that Nikki and i were from the zoo, we'll go screaming for no reason or are we like the insane people that go screaming around?? of course no. it's definitely a great thanks to Ashley for making ME screamed. she's one hell of a sick person. she'll come and molest me and Nikki, almost every single day. no wonder the people downstairs said that we make noises every single day. she's extremely sick. who will not scream, you tell me. so i don't think it's totally our fault. if she is to leave us alone, then there will be no screaming. no noises, no complains.

later, Nikki and i had a talk in the balcony. she said that what Ashley said just now were so unfair. i knew..i agree. that's why i did not say sorry to her at all. coz i knew it's not totally my fault. what happened on Tuesday, Ashley said that she couldn't remember what we did..i don't know if she has really forgotten about it, or she knew that it's sort of her fault so she said she couldn't remember, i really have no idea. but it's fine as long as Nikki and i remembered. on Tuesday, we were watching movie in Nikki's room. whose idea was that? Ashley. she suggested that we watched movie in Nikki's room. she's so smart. usually when we wanna watch movie, she'll suggest that we watch it in Nikki's room. isn't she smart? if anything happens, she can escape from the blame. brilliant, ain't it?

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