birthday is here again and this time we celebrated earlier. since my birthday is on the 19th which is on Monday, frens and i decided to celebrate it on the 17th which was Saturday. just thinking of where to go gave me a terrible headache. some like the place some dislike. so, from Maison to Loft to Zouk to Flam to Velvet, in the end we ended up at Poppy Garden. it was like the best night ever. first time ever in my life there were so many people celebrating my birthday with me. very happy i must say. and i can never deny that i'm getting old. last time i can party like crazy, lotsa stamina and energy to party all night. but yesterday, i was exhausted and was tired after a few dance. what a bummer...
i'm very happy with my birthday celebration this year. 2006's birthday is like the best one ever. received lotsa gifts from humanz. Thanks people. i've never received so many wonderful gifts in my entire life before. this year is the first time ever. i still remember how misery my previous birthdays' presents were, especially during my childhood and high school period. THEY'RE ALL VERY PATHETIC!! "hate you people who treated me like a junk. just because you people treated me like a junk doesn't mean that you people should give me junks."
anyhow thanks again everyone for the pressie. thanks SueZen for the top (it's very nice and most importantly it's BLACK), thanks Nikki for the beautiful handmade earrings, thanks hc for the new phone casing (finally you got one for me, hehe), thanks Andres and jie for the notty notty stuff (>.<), and last but not least, thanks Rosh, Sam and my bro, Kenneth for the Momoe bag (thought of buying it months ago, almost bought it and luckily did not get it in the end). and to others, thanks for the enjoyable moment and thanks for all the wonderful wishes. luv you guys so much...