Thursday, March 02, 2006

isn't it fun to start your day with horrible shits that happened one after another? first, my transport came 15 minutes earlier (you must be thinking, earlier is better than late), and by the time i reached the airport, i was like 1 blardy hour earlier (and what can i do in the airport la). then, i received a notice stating that my claim for the transport was rejected due to some missing details (f**k the details) and last but not least, i don't know which stupid monkey mistakenly took my bag and i went around looking for it for 20 minutes before i finally found my bag. THANK GOD!! earlier i thought i was going to look like a lost soul wandering around the building because i was 1 hour earlier, but i ended up looking like a crazy gal, looking for my bag. then off i went to Colombo. when we reached Colombo, one of my colleagues' check-in bag went missing. we were told that his bag was sent to Amsterdam instead of Colombo. poor guy, he doesn't have any piece of clothing with him except the one he's wearing. then, all of us got screwed up-down-left-right by our supervisor, just because of ONE same mistake done by two of my colleagues. it is indeed a lesson to learn by all of us and there you have it, my hell day to Colombo.

so it was Nikki's birthday on the 28th Feb, the day i came back from Colombo. i was invited for dinner at her place and ... *sigh* long story. conclusion was, i think she wasn't very happy. she was mad, sad and disappointed at me. i think she is STILL mad and disappointed at me. first i turned up late, second i turned up empty handed (ok that i must admit it's my fault, i could have got her a pressie earlier before i left for Colombo but i did not *self slapping*) and third, i was there for only 1 hour. i'm like the worst friend/chi mui she has ever had. seriously, i feel so bad. then jie didn't even turn up, he called and told us that he'll be late because he'll be having dinner with his colleagues first (f**ker, he even dare to call me earlier to scold me for turning up late when he himself is going to turn up later than i do). but it was so late that Nikki has to call jie not to come on that night, instead they'll meet some other day. the whole thing was like out of the frying pan into the fire. if it's on normal days, she'll be alright, BUT on her BIRTHDAY, even i'll get mad and disappointed if it happens to me.

~Nikki, i know this will never make any difference, but i'm terribly SORRY for whateva that i've done. Sorry and Happy Belated Birthday to you!!~

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